Our Technology


TechnologiesWorld class satellite analysis

RainbirdGEO offers a new solution to climate change response through geostationary satellite algorithms.






Wind wave

Core technology

Early Detection Technology for Thunderstorms

In tropical atmospheres, it is hard to predict when or where thunderstorms will develop.

However, this is only possible through geostationary satellites. RainbirdGEO has developed algorithms to detect fast-developing tropical thunderstorms in heir early stages by analyzing high-resolution observations from geostationary meteorological satellites. This is called satellite-based nowcasting technology. To prevent damage caused by heavy rainfall (e.g., floods and landslides), RainbirdGEO’s early detection technology for thunderstorms aims at predicting these events at least 2 hours in advance. With the recent development of AI technology, we are improving the prediction lead time and accuracy.

Our Technologies

RainbirdGEO’s Core Technology

RainbirdGEO uses its own Satellite remote sensing technology and disaster prediction algorithm to notify and effectively manage climate risks in advance.

RainbirdGEO provides world-class real-time prediction and monitoring of various climate risks across the Asia-Pacific region through its 6 technologies.


Early Detection Technology for Thunderstorms

Early detection of thunderstorms in the tropical atmosphere aims to detect thunderstorms 2 hours in advance through an algorithm that analyzes Geostationary Meterological Satellite data. Currently, in Southeast Asia, the detection rate averages 85%, and the false detection rate averages 35%.


Risk Detection Technology for Flash Floods, Wind Waves, and Landslides

In the immediate aftermath of a thunderstorms, the damage caused by disasters can be determined in advance through the accumulated database of Geostationary Meteorological Satellites, allowing people to prepare for the situation.


Wildfire Detection Technology

We analyze the data generated by the imaging sensor of the Geostationary Meterological Satellite to detect Wildfire in real-time 24 hours a day. With our technology and the Chollian satellites that take pictures all the time, we can increase the efficiency of forest fire surveillance, enablel rapid initial extinguish fires, and monitor


Air Pollution Monitoring Technology

Aerosol optical depth thickness calculated by Geostationary Meteorological Satellites using reflected light from solar radiation, can alert high-concentration air pollutants and is useful for most developing countries where air pollution is severe in dry seasons but with no observation equipment for air quality on the Earth’s surface.


Energy Prediction and Estimation Technology

We analyze the night luminance data observed from satellites to analyze trends in energy usage, blackout areas and periods in case of disasters, and disaster resilience of cities.


Vegetation and Greenhouse Gas Analysis Technology

We comprehensively analyze the vegetation index from satellites and process it into useful information such as carbon sinks and greenhouse gas emission concentrations.

ICT Solution

Diverse ICT Solution connected through satellite data

RainbirdGEO provides an integrated solution to predict and prevent disasters in advance through cutting-edge satellite-ICT convergence technology.

Social Media

Mobile App

Hazard Map



RainbirdGEO provides professional consulting services on climate, environment and disaster risk management to customers worldwide who want to utilize satellite data.

RainbirdGEO’s technologies have been developed in close collaboration with the Center for Climate/Environment Change Prediction Research (CCCPR) and the Climate System Laboratory (CSL) at Ewha Womans University, led by Professor Yong-Sang Choi.