RainbirdGEO CEO Professor Yong-Sang Choi at the MBC Radio

RainbirdGEO CEO Talked About Extreme Weather Situations on MBC Radio

Seoul, South Korea, July 2023 – RainbirdGEO CEO Professor Yong-Sang Choi was invited to the MBC Radio talk show “MBC Radio Sasak”. During the broadcast, Prof. Choi discussed the increasing frequency of extreme weather this year, the reasons behind it, and what people and businesses should do when it occurs. According to Prof. Choi, the weather has been volatile, with frequent and intense events such as heavy rain, storms, floods, and extremely hot and cold temperatures. In response to these phenomena, weather experts and businesses can encounter barriers. He cited specific examples of what extreme weather conditions caused residents and businesses in the last few years. The great winter freeze in Texas, the US at the beginning of 2021 caused a wide area blackout and freeze pipeline systems. During this deep freeze period, many oil refineries and wells were forced to shut down, and natural gas pipeline operators were forced to restrict their operations. Another example is the Hinnamnor typhoon’s significant impact on POSCO, a steelmaker corporation assets in Korea in June 2022.  

For businesses, Prof. Choi recommends having a risk management system to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to climate risks, especially in emergencies.


To read this news: https://sites.google.com/site/climatesystemlab/climate-potal/opinions


To watch this broadcasting: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4xlOYpYWoX0


To read more news from RainbirdGEO: https://rainbirdgeo.com/en/newsroom-2/


RainbirdGEO believes that our technologies and solutions can significantly support vulnerable communities, especially developing countries, to cope with climate change. We commit to continuing to develop and provide advanced technologies and solutions to support communities in preparedness, preventing, adapting, and reducing climate change impacts.

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